
Thursday 22 August 2013

18th Street NW Washington DC, one of the most beautiful and most vivid streets in the world

18th Street North West in Washington DC, capital of the United States, is one of the most colorful and most visited street in this city, and US in general. Extremely long street flows through several spirits and passes from one type of style and ambiance to another. The entire street is filled by the houses and buildings dyed in all colors of the spectrum. One after another aligned are yellow, blue, red, ocher, brown and white buildings. The upper parts of the street are residential, later parts are dedicated to hundreds of smaller commercial buildings, bars, restaurants and discos that are spread over 2 or 3 floors, then again begin the residential buildings and diplomatic missions villas as well as the headquarters of various associations, and the street transforms into  the concrete and metal and finally the winner is the famous "White House". All away the street different styles take their word: Art Deco, Victorian, Queen Anne, Edwardian ...

The street begins in the parts of the city that bear the name of Mount Pleasant and Lanier Heights. Naming it Mount Pleasant? Yes, with adequate reason. These two parts of the city represent the most comfortable place for living on this planet earth. As the Washington DC is headquarters of the American aristocracy and the place where this, we can say, civilization has developed, within this area filled with beautiful homes and buildings from the 19th and 20th century in the Edwardian and Art Deco style, the population that lives here boasts the highest average level of education and a solid high levels of income in the US. All this contributes to the feeling of being in some place like a paradise.  But the old fashioned housing paradise, not in the modern, luxurious one that was brought to us at the end of the 20th century. The streets are full of trees, tree lines. Around each building there is a garden, or walled terraces with benches, flowers, and shrubs that act as randomly scattered, but in fact they are very well maintained. Iron gates, stone and marble staircases, smallish parks on the corners reserved for trees planted long, long time ago, which to be honest gained already significant height, all that adds its value in the pleasant sensation you have why strolling around . In autumn, when the leaves cover almost every inch of the side-walks, one can enjoy that famous reddish-yellow color of North America. Buildings of interesting facades are often not noticed behind the crowd of the trees. Building accesses are maintained with great care and which gives the impression that every building is some kind of residence. In fact, only a few of them really are. The others are not so small estates in which there live a not so small number of people.

Further the street runs through the part of the town called Adams Morgan ( In this section, the street is known as the site of gathering of young people. In the evenings here you can find fun and hang out in the numerous bars with different themes and atmosphere. The neighborhood is known by a large number of places where one can listen to music, talk to the others, meet people in a good mood. The are attracts visitors mostly on Friday and Saturday nights and then it is flooded with young people who go to a predetermined bar or simply enjoy the diverse offer and taking advantage of bar-hopping. People who are looking for more fun wait neatly in not so big queued lines, in order to grab a bit more from the rich nightlife scenes. For the Lovers of good exchanges with cheerful company, no bar will be the wrong choice. And there are various:

In many bars there is live music, a high quality performance. Speaking of quality of the music we must primarly emphasize the club named "Madams organ" ( The club name matches the name of the area, except the M letter shifted from the second to the first word, and the logo of the club matches the name of the club. Besides the interesting interior decorations and object pieces of American wildlife culture, as well as numerous stuffed animals from North American continent, this bar offers an excellent musical program where every night is reserved for a different musical genre. Carefully selected musicians and bands, artists of clean and good music, offer a daily amount or blues, jazz, country or rock in general. Great atmosphere and subdued lighting is accompanied always with regular customers, friends of the musicians and of the bar, and all them perfectly blend with welcomed newcomers and irregulars. The atmosphere is like at home but a bit more warmed up. It is interesting to state that this bar, even to the surprise of the owners and the people who run this bar, is ranked among the top 15 bars of America according to the "Playboy" magazine, and many believe that the bar is number one place to go out in DC. Regular guests who do not choose the night by the kind music, dress themselves in plaid shirts and feather jackets  for the evening of country music, and for the evening of blues they just grab whatever comes to their hands. Most visitors dance as they enter in, others speak, while all of them drink beer. As you maybe know, drinking the beer, especially by the girls, is Washington DC’s fashion and trademark. In “Madams organ” club it may happen that musician celebrating the birthday offers a cake to everyone in the cafe, though perhaps some of the guests will  never again set their foot into this bar again, but still in that moment they already have several friends whom they met that night over there.

The "Rumba Cafe" will present you masters of the guitar, percussion and Latin American music and a benevolent and hospitable landlord would speak to you. Earlier, he made ​​sure to had chosen some interesting pictures of South American artists which he put hanging on the walls. The pieces of art bear love and religious motives. The pictures and totems of different ethnic groups bring to the bar a mix and heat of Christian and Native American civilizations that is flourishing in this areas. Guests will be delighted jumping and dancing to the sounds of Latin music in an atmosphere that is complemented by friendly reception of the right and left hands of cafe's owner. More about the cafe: and on popular ranking and advisory websites.

"Jack rose" is also a popular bar ( This bar is always full of elegant people; some would say "classy". It’s a bar of lovers of good whiskey and a solid crowd. The library covers all the walls, but the shelves are not filled with books, but with whiskey bottles.

Opposite to him is situated a bar "L'enfant", at least famous by the Eiffel tower on the roof. This bar looks like if there is always a party going on in it.

There are also other numerous bars, pubs, discos, stores, restaurants and massage studios in which the all the “criminals” that usually return to the crime scene, go back and grabs back the force the next day. Here, in this part of town, one can find a place to stay, a hostel. If someone means it is important not to go far away from the spot where he hangs out, and if he likes to meet interesting and intelligent people who come to this city for a project or work, sleeping in the hostel not at all luxurious but simple and neat, the "Washington International Student Center" may by itself be an adequate experience.

As in America you can eat in every bar, these places are not only a source of good drinks, laughter, music and entertainment, but many of them serve the portions to satisfy your hunger. In addition to the bars and clubs there are restaurants of different cuisines and different concept. Fans of cheaper snacks and fast food can satisfy their hunger within the fast food restaurants of the big chains, but the small owners as well. There is a jumbo-sized pizza shop, a falafel shop, where everyone puts the amount of salad by his choice and as much he likes, there are numerous kebab and doughnut sellers, bakeries, pastry shops with and without the cup-cake's, coffee shops, ice cream shops and so on. Imagine the part of the world and most likely you will find a representative who offers specialties of that region of the planet here in this part of the street. The most numerous are, of course, the Indian restaurants, but as everyone wanted to find a place in  Adams Morgan they are not so numerous, as the owners originally from Ethiopia, China, Turkey, Greece, Argentina,   Italy, Spain, Mexico, France il America also wanted their place here... Most of the restaurants cannot bear the title of being luxurious, but in most of them you can eat an extremely tasty morsel. For example, in the already mentioned above bar with decorated inside full of details of various ethnic groups of South America, the "Rumba Cafe", there is offered a great snack that everyone warmly recommend, bit spicy and rich of flavors of South America food.

Image of the upper part of the street on a Saturday night is significantly different from that one on Sunday morning or afternoon. On Sundays, the street is almost empty and cafes host only regular guests and those rare who have the strength to pull out of the houses.

On the left and on the right of the 18th street you will find streets and places that look like  a paradise for living. Flowers and trees decorate the approaches of the buildings and the houses, rows of trees stand on each side of the street. Also the fact that the 18th street is close,  makes this area popular and flats within the houses very demanded. Sometimes a single house is owned by a wealthy owner, but most of them are  now divided into a number of smaller apartments and attract young people, people who yearn for beauty and a life in a good corner. On the street you can see a large number of modern cars parked, the old timers, convertibles and coupes of younger and older generations. The windows and the stairs are carefully decorated with pots, creepers, benches, and the general impression is that they live here with the nature.

Later down along the street there are mainly restaurants and beautiful houses with landscaped gardens and fences spread. As houses are oriented towards the street and are not surrounded by high fences, through the window of the apartments on the ground floor you can take a quick look and see the interior decoration that certain owners can certainly be proud of. In this part, which is more enjoyable and low-tempo, a lot of different restaurants have settled in order to support the enjoyment of Saturday and Sunday afternoons and of early evening hours. And most people here are in a cool mood.

The middle part of the street belongs to the neighborhood around Dupont Circle, one of the central squares in the city and one of the most beautiful places in Washington.   This part of town is called Strivers' Section Historic District . Once it was settled by a higher-middle class and the aristocracy of mainly Afro-American origin . Today, in this area you can find embassies of many countries as well as the headquarters of companies and associations. Extremely beautiful houses and buildings are only home for the diplomatic corps, but also for the more affluent city residents who live in seemingly nice homes and buildings of Edwardian style, or in more modern compounds. The streets in this neighborhood are filled with rows of trees, and in front of every house or building there is a neatly organized garden, colorful or just green. It is a place where you have a contact with nature, human creativity, politics, society, and aesthetics. At the corner of the Church Street is the "St. Thomas 'Parish' which was destroyed by fire in  1970. There remains a parish house that was converted into a space for gathering and prayer, and a church base, converted into a park with a labyrinth for meditation.

Vivid part is a corner of the 18th street and Connecticut avenue. With lof of bars on the right and the left side of the street, this corner represents a No1 place to go out in the evening. Strip clubs, pubs, bars, discos, they are all settled here. The Dupont circle area and the corner of the 18th and the Connecticut avenue is a place when most of the DC stories happen. There is dozens of bars and you can check why they are so popular. Lets name some of them: “Citron bar», «The Madhatter“, “The Gryphon“, “The Big Hunt“, “The Camelot“, “Dirty Martiny“, “Midtown Loft“, “Mpire“ , “Public Bar”..... All the others deserve their place in this chapter, but as they were not visited by the author of the page, they should just b ". One that we are going to stress is a place with good atmosphere with people of positive mood, different ethnic and social backgrounds, people who have no prejudice and know how to have fun and share the moments with each other, the warmest recommendations go to "18th Street Lounge" bar. If you read the reviews you will see why. Simple and good. Music - a mix of funky, drive, house and other styles familiar to the fans of modern sound. Every song forces you to dance, dance in pairs, in a circle, for yourself. In any case, you are supported by the environment, so let you impress the others and get what you want. If it is important to stress, then to point out that the decor in the house is as from the beginning of the 20th century. This contributes to the feeling of as being at the home parties. This bar is actually not located in Connecticut Avenue, but it is right next to it. During weekends there is a row. It is a place to be. You should respect some dressing code, but not too much and the owner and DJ will make it worth. It should not be skipped.

Furthermore, the street continues towards the city center, the Downtown, and passes near the Farragut Square and Edward R Murrow Park. The buildings in this part of the street are mostly large buildings of big business. Metal and glass dominate and often entire block represents one building. At night the streets are mostly empty. Some club or a restaurant breaks the vacancy of the area. This part of the street is completely different from that at the top, the alive and populated one. here you cannot find residential facilities.

At the end the street continues until its final yard passing in parallel with the White House garden and finally reaches the Constitution Avenue NW and arrives at Constitution Gardens park, which is part of the   National Mall complex of  national  most visited monuments and museums including:


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